
There are many ways of joining our laboratory. Graduate students and postdocs are most common scenarios , while  research students and project researchers are more flexible.

Please contact


We will offer a scholarship from our budget, but please try to obtain external scholarship. The best one is from Japanese Government, for which you should ask the Japanese embassy of your country.

There are also many private funding agencies. 

PhD student ( detailed information)


  July 9(Wed) - July 19(Tue), 2025


October 14(Thu) - October 15(Fri), 2025

Result Announcement Nov 25(Fri)

 Master course (detailed information)


June 21(Wed) - June 30(Fri), 2025


August 14(Mon) - August 16(Wed), 2025

Result Announcement Sep 4 (Mon)

The general procedure for application

Recruitment of Researchers

Kasai & Yagishita Lab has discovered the structural plasticity of dendritic spines, and extending it for mechanistic understanding of the brain, by developing various optical and molecular tools. Also belonging to International Research Center of Neurointelligence (IRCN, we are constructing a new set of methodology which allows us to label the neuronal areas and circuits involved in a particular learning state with the help of AI, and to help development of new AI. We are looking for young researcher from world wide to join our adventure. For more detail visit our HPs.

         2. Dynamics and mechanics of spine synapses in various cognitive processes including long-term and working memory and the  perceptual diversity and cognitive integrity (Prof. Haruo Kasai)

★Job title Project Researcher, Research Assistant Professor, JSPS Fellowship

★Starting Date As early as possible.

★Term The first contract will be ended on March 31, 2024. The contract is renewable on a fiscal year basis (from April 1 to March 31; every year) according to research budget, research activity, and research achievements. Contract duration is until March 31, 2027. Probationary period is 6 months from the date of arrival.

★Place of Work Structural Physiology, Medical School, The University of Tokyo, 7-3-1 Hongo Bunkyo-ku Tokyo, 113-0033 JAPAN

★ Qualifications

(Required) Ph.D. in Biology, or Neuroscience and a related field, Good communication skill in English

(Preferred) Experiences in molecular, cellular and behavioral neuroscience will be preferred.

★Salary: To be determined in accordance with the University of Tokyo Regulations

★ Working hours: Discretionary labor system, based on 7 hours 45 minutes per day, or 38 hours 45 minutes per week

★Holidays: Saturdays and Sundays; Statutory public holidays of Japan; Year-end and New Year holidays (December 29 through January 3); Summer holidays

★Commuter allowance: JPY55,000 per month at maximum

★ Social Insurance: Eligible for MEXT* Mutual Aid Association membership, employees’ pension, employment insurance, and workers’ accident compensation insurance. (*MEXT: Japan’s Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology)

★Vacation : Annual paid vacation, Sick leave (paid), Special vacation (paid)

★ Application documents:

・ Cover letter in English

・CV in English

・Publication list

・Name and contact address for two references, one of which should be a previous employer

★ Submission: Interested applicants should send application materials to: (Please replace # with @ before using this email address)

★ Applications deadline:  None

★ Selection Process: All applications will be screened, and only those qualified will be scheduled for an interview (on-site or via video).

★ HP

★ * Submitted documents will not be returned.

* Personal information is handled carefully according to the Privacy Policy of the University of Tokyo, and will be used only for the job selection process.

*Travel cost will not be paid in screening process.